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River Great Ouse, Bedford Embankment

Located in Bedford town centre, the Embankment stretch is Free Fishing

(As long as you hold a valid Rod Licence)

Parking in pay and display areas in and around the Town

Species – Bream, Dace, Roach, Perch

Directions – Off A603 and A5140 in Bedford town centre



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  1. Are you sure there’s any carp as I haven’t seen one yet and I’ve been 2 nights in the town and caught nothing

  2. Good fishing and can get plenty action on good days.plenty bream and silvers and lots of pike averaging from 1lb-15lb. Lots of silvers can be caught and plenty perch. There is the odd river carp and tench . There are bullhead and ruffe aswell. Barbel and zander are present but are quite rare. Good place to go for a bit of action and a good place to take young kids fishing

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